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Here you can find a description of the software that I have done and that you can have (except where explicitly noticed)




Rasterizer 1.9

A sipkes visualization tool

This is a program used in Prof. Roberto Caminiti's lab that displays the intracortical neuronal activity of the data collected during his visuo-motor experiments (you can see a screenshot here). It also performs several analyses in order to provide different views of the same data. Its main ability is the possibility to perform a reconstruction of the mapping fields thus correlating the firing frequency of the neurons with the instantaneous position of the stimulus. It is also able to treat moving stimuli and to generate different maps depending on the stimuli movement direction.
Release 1.9 adds some capabilities, including data export, some data "corrections" based on saccadic movements and several eye movements analyses. Data compression is also supported.

1.8 - November 2001
1.9.6 _ June 2002

BrainPlot 1.0

SCD Interface

This is a software that gets coordinates from a microscope and exports the collected data into several file formats, including Adobe Illustrator (you can see an example here). It communicates with the microscope through a serial cable connection and retrives the data following different modalities: on demand (a key is pressed), on timer (every x ms the data are acquired) etc. Also the data are stored into different "layers" (e.g. different celles or structures) and they can be exported independently into various file formats. Its native file format is XML because it can easily support extensions and because of its high portabillity.
1.0 - January 2002


Borland Delphi / C++ Builder Form Converter

This is a tool that converts a Borland DFM resource file (Delphi and C++ Builder VCL Forms) into a standard RC file and a CPP and HPP file. It also extracts images (JPEG, BMP, ICO, etc..) from executables and dlls. Because a DFM file contains also a lot of information about controls initializations (e.g. you can specify the strings that will appear in a combobox, without writing code), this utility interprets them and then automatically writes the required code in a CPP file. You can then use some of the RAD facilities in non-VCL applications too!!!. Release 1.0 is freeware for non commercial use (and it is available with full source code) and it is described in the August 2000 issue of C/C++ Users Journal. You can download it from there, and you can have more info about it here.
The latest releases (without source code) can be downloaded here.

1.0 - August 2000

1.2 - January 2001

Bio-Feedback SDK

A portable C++ framework for bio-feedback and Brain Computer Interface applications

One of the main problems encountered in the development of computer-based systems for handicapped people is that it is very difficult to "tune" them in a wide range of situations. This happens mainly because every potential user has residual capabilities that are specific to his condition and that make him in some way unique. It should be extremely useful to use all of the voluntarily controlled activities such as eye movements, muscle contractions, EEG (Electroencephalographic) activity, etc. as inputs for a processing unit that could take care of recognizing them and then translating them into desired tasks such as interact with a PC, opening doors, playing-back some pre-recorded phrases, using the telephone and so on. Unfortunately, building a system for even a well-defined pathology might be difficult: optimal use of residual capabilities in different subjects could require to modify it at a level that is incompatible with practical needs.
This SDK wants to be a freeware solution to a wide range of bio-feedback applications. Different biofeedback applications have to deal with a lot of common tasks, and for this reason an object oriented framework can simplify the process of writing a lot of code: disabled people has different impairments but the necessities are quite stereotyped. You can anyway have a better description of this framework here

0.90 - December 2000

Galileo NT

A clinical data viewer

Galileo NT is an environment that allows you to view a wide range of clinical data. In its database are stored all the information required to launch the proper viewer for that particular analysis type. Every specific viewer is fully integrated into the main program: it can add windows, menu items etc. to the main program using a special plug-in interface that I have developed for this project. Ideally there is not limit to the data that can be displayed.
This has been probably the biggest project I’ve done, and you can have a better description of it here.
Unfortunately, you cannot have it for free, but you can buy it at
You can, however, get from me some plug-ins and external tools and if you need some special processing tool that does not exist (yet), you can contact me: maybe I can develop something for you!

Released - June 1999


A Gait Analysis Package

This is one of the programs that I have developed and used for my scientific bio-mechanical publications (ref. 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10).
This tool performs the 3-D gait analysis of subjects whose motion was recorded with BTS Elite system, even if it can easily support different 3-D acquisition systems. It is possible to filter the 3-D trajectories as well as compute the velocities, accelerations, limbs angles, energies (divided in all the subcomponents), and the covariation plane that was described in details in the publication section (Borghese et. al. 1996). It is also possible to analize EMG data and ground reaction forces acquired simultaneously with the Elite System. This program has been the only Elite Data viewer under Microsoft Windows platform for years, and a lot of processing capabilities are still unsupported by other programs.

May 2000

Visual Stimuli

This is the first C++ program I’ve written (it was 1994, and it is still a milestone in Caminiti’s Lab) and I’m still supporting it because of his unique features. You can program a sequence of visual stimuli that are conditioned by some external events (such as arm position, eye movements, etc). Several Caminiti’s works have been published with this environment, and I participate in the early days of this protocol family (see ref 5). I did the User Interface of this software, while Paul Johnson did all the (hard) acquisition stuff. I have been really lucky to learn a lot things from a genius such as Paul: I think he is the most intelligent man I've ever known!


© Copyright (2000), Luigi Bianchi
Last Update: June 25, 2002